Steve Krug Simplificando Coisas
While other models and variants were developed, the R91's combination of ruggedness, firepower, and low manufacturing costs resulted in its adoption as an assault rifle of the and issuance to on the.The number of working units is particularly high in the, as the National Guard units deployed there used it widely. Fallout 3 unique assault rifle. It remains a popular sight among the inhabitants of the region, particularly slavers and raiders, though it is also available for purchase from traders and weapon dealers.This weapon is the carbine variant of the R91 assault rifle. The final touch is the wooden stock and handguard.The R91 was manufactured by Stent as part of its, superseding the manufacturer's own of combat assault rifles in the early 21st century. Its modifications, including an extended box magazine, suppressor, scope, and lack of stock, suggest it was created to be used for special operations forces.
Steve Krug Simplificando Coisas Youtube
Slides do Webinar 'Usabilidade no e-commerce', pelo E-commerce Brasil. Author: Steve Krug, Book: Simplificando Coisas que Parecem Complicadas (2010) in PDF,EPUB. Review 1: Pretend like that was 3.5 stars.
Steve Krug Simplificando Coisas 1
Review 1: Pretend like that was 3.5 stars. It feels like a companion to his previous book, and that's both good and bad. The good part is, if 'Don't Make Me Think' struck a chord with you, so will this. The bad part is, some parts of this book weren't very surprising. It's basically an on-steroids version of the chapter from the 2nd edition of 'Don't Make Me Think.' Don't get me wrong, expanding, revising, and detailing that chapter is valuable work, and I'm glad I own this, but $35 feels just a tad steep all things 2: A very essential guide to simple usability testing for small companies. The book includes walkthroughs, scenarios and checklists - basically everything you need to get started.
Steve Krug Simplificando Coisas Y
It spoon-feeds information and it's really simple and easy. Without redundant chapters. It does assume you already have some knowledge on usability and just shows you the way to conduct the tests yourself. In my opinion, it's very good, but also very short and I would have preferred if it was cheaper. No complaints regarding the contents though.
Haz facil lo imposible / Rocket Surgery Made Easy: La Guia Practica Para Aficionados Para Encontrar Y Solucionar Problemas De Usabilidad / the Do-it-yourself Guide to Finding and Fixing Usability Problems (Paperback).
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